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How To Align & Adjust A Citizen Swiss Lathe

How To Align & Adjust A Citizen Swiss Lathe We invited Chuck Austerberry from Dynamic Machine to demonstrate how to align and adjust a Citizen Swiss Lathe from start to finish. In this video, we go through each an every step in detail to ensure you know how to accurately and safely...

How To Clean the Advant Edge Spindle

How To Clean the Advant Edge Spindle Is your Advant Edge CNC Tool Dressing Machine getting a little dirty, not operating smoothly, or isn't holding the too, holder quite right anymore? Learn, step by step, how to properly clean yours properly Video Transcript: So, you've had...

Slot Milling Inconel With A Micro Endmill

Slot Milling Inconel With A Micro Endmill If cutting Inconel is a headache, then slot milling Inconel is a full-blown migraine—at least for Mike at Kremin. Everything he was throwing at this Inconel job on the Haas VF2 CNC Mill wasn’t working, so Trevor brought in the big guns:...

Product Review – Cimco DNC-Max CNC Software

Product Review – Cimco DNC-Max CNC Software Looking for DNC communication software for your CNC machines, Robots, or PLCs for your shop? Kremin can help you narrow it down. We recently picked up Cmico DNC-Max to gain more control over our programs, as well as clean up our electronic...