Quality Managment

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How to Calibrate a CMM

How to Calibrate a CMM

  At our shop, our boss loves to think that every task can be completed in five minutes, can you you really calibrate a CMM in 5 minutes? Video Transcript: "Ethan! Yeah? The guys need the CMM. Can you calibrate it? Of course. I told them it'll be ready five...

How to Measure a Taper with CMM

How to Measure a Taper with CMM

  The boss may think it only takes 5 minutes to program a taper scan, but we know it takes more time than that to get the job done properly. We'll show you the whole process of measuring a taper, plane and circle on a tool with unique dimensions with a CMM and...

How to Correctly Use a Profilometer

How to Correctly Use a Profilometer

Profilometers are a great tool for quickly measuring a part's surface profile and finish, but you need to apply the correct pressure to get an accurate reading. Our Quality Engineer Ethan shows you how it's done! Video Transcript: "Today, we're gonna get rough. On...

3 Common Ways to Probe Parts

3 Common Ways to Probe Parts

There are multiple ways to scan a part for quality checks, but these three methods are our favorite scans to probe parts. Video Transcript: "Welcome back, everybody. Today we're gonna get probed. Actually the part is [getting probed], and I'm going to show you 3...