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Mist-Fit 550 Mist Collector Review
Oil mist collectors play an important role in a busy machine shop, and Kremin is no different. That's why we have actually invested in two different oil mist collection systems to compare them and see which one works better for us. The Mist-Fit 550 is a...
How to Correctly Use a Profilometer
Profilometers are a great tool for quickly measuring a part's surface profile and finish, but you need to apply the correct pressure to get an accurate reading. Our Quality Engineer Ethan shows you how it's done! Video Transcript: "Today, we're gonna get rough. On...
3 Common Ways to Probe Parts
There are multiple ways to scan a part for quality checks, but these three methods are our favorite scans to probe parts. Video Transcript: "Welcome back, everybody. Today we're gonna get probed. Actually the part is [getting probed], and I'm going to show you 3...
What Can Egg Crates Do For Your Shop?
It's another quick tip from Kremin! Today we're going to show you an amazing tool for keeping completed parts organized - the unassuming egg crate! Video Transcript: "Fred! Yeah? You know we have a ton of in Frankenmuth? Germans. Yeah, we got a ton of Germans,...
Are Part Carousels Worth Your Money?
An Automated Parts Carousel can help you keep completed parts counted and organized without any manual effort. They capture parts right as they complete in the machine, and keep them stored in bins according to your programming. What does our Manufacturing Engineer...
Measuring Parts with the Micro-Hite
Micro-Hites are a great investment if you know how to use them. Thanks to the many different probes that can be used with the height gage, it can give your shop tons of accurate data about parts. Video Transcript: " You can lie about how big your part is at the bar,...