The Keyence Vision System is an amazing piece of inspection hardware that saves us a ton of time on our quality assurance inspections. How? It can measure multiple parts at the same time! See for yourself how amazing the Keyence really is for creating time efficiencies.

Video Transcript:

“Andy, those parts aren’t going to ship themselves, man! We got to get those checked! Come on, let’s go!

I’m sure you’ve all experienced what just happened right there. Your boss yelling at you because you have so much work to do, and he doesn’t understand how long it takes. What we’re going to show you today is how to get your work done quicker, more efficient, and save you time.

What we’re going to show you today is how to save time, impress your boss, and get that long awaited nap you’ve been looking for.

Here we have a pin. As you saw before, hundreds, if not thousands of these parts have to go through inspection. What we can do to speed this up is: I can throw on a bunch of parts. Multiple pins, I didn’t even count them.

This little icon down here is our little secret. I’m gonna put in, say, 15 pieces and what it’s going to do is it’s going to measure 15 pieces in one shot. Prepare to be amazed.

What you’ll see: instant results. Green. Take those parts away, move on. Grab another handful of parts. Put them on and continue your inspection.

It picks up these fails just because I entered 15 when maybe I only had 10 parts. Not a problem. I can clean up that data later.

Yeah Mike, it’s gonna be a little while. I got a lot of work here to do. Little does he know.”